Pyysaari has over a hundred boat berths for the summer and more than ninety dry dock berths for the winter. In addition, canoes, rowing boats and auxiliary dinghies are stored in Pyysaari by agreement. The dock master advises on the dry dock berths, and the harbor master advises on boat berths.
Boat berths
In Pyysaari, there are free boat berths and a few free dry dock berths for boats up to 5 t. You can apply for a boat and dock berth as well as club membership using the forms linked below. The harbor master decides the place for each inspected boat. Taking into account the wishes of boat crew as far as possible. If the situation changes, the place may change. Mutual changes of place between boats must be agreed with the harbor master, because e.g. the size of the boats and the depth differences and the mooring limit the placement to some extent.
Advice and instructions are given by the HTPS dock master, harbor master, janitor and boat inspectors. Mark your boat cradle and all other accessories with the boat and your own name. Report address or phone number changes to the member clerk and Suuli, and correct the information in the boater’s memo in the security booth, so that the security guard can contact you appropriately.
Everyone storing a boat in Pyysaari commits to the regulations of the marina rules.
If you are interested in a boat berth or a winter docking place, join us. You can see the costs in the price list. After acceptance as a member, a place is applied for by filling out and signing an agreement for a boat berth and winter docking.
The mooring ropes must be sufficiently dimensioned for the weight of the boat and equipped with elastic fastening springs. The harbor master will give additional instructions if necessary.
Electricity is only intended for temporary use in both summer and winter. Use only when you are at the the boat yourself or for a maximum of 24 hours, when the start time and reason for use must be marked on the plug. Plugs are regularly removed by the janitor, unless there is a warning about the danger of submersion on the plug. Longer-term use of electricity (e.g. boat renovation) is agreed separately, see payment table.
Care and caution must be used when using electricity on the pier. The cables, wires and junction boxes used must be intact and approved for outdoor use. Ground power systems must have residual current protection.
When the boat is empty, no 230 V electrical devices other than the battery charger may be used. So, for example, the electric heater must not be left blowing when leaving the boat, the refrigerator, etc. must use 12/24 V from the battery, etc. The exception is the pumps when the boat is in danger of sinking, in which case the boat must be monitored by yourself.
Unauthorised use of electricity will be interrupted without prior warning.