Join us

As a member of Helsinki’s Työväen Pursiseura, you will be a part of a traditional and good company that offers a lot of fun and benefits. For youth members, the club enables an affordable and versatile hobby on the waves of the Baltic Sea.

A person over the age of 18 who accepts the purpose and rules of the club can join the club as an adult member, and a youth member under the age of 18 with the consent of their parents. An adult member of the club is either a full member (Varsinainen jäsen) who can also apply for a boat berth, or a crew member (Miehistöjäsen) who has the same membership rights except right to apply for a boat berth. The membership application for adult members must have two full members of the club named as recommenders, if necessary, contact the members of the management board before submitting the membership application. Recommendations are not required from youth members.

Fill out the membership application form and send it to the club’s board.

The board processes applications once a month.

Welcome to Helsinki Työväen Pursiseuraan guide
offers a lot of good information about the club and its activities.

To report changes in contact information or if you want to resign from the club, send an email to If you have Suuli credentials, you can also update your contact information yourself through SPV’s member register at

Pyysaari, Henrik Borgströmin polku 3 | Postiosoite PL 65, 00811 Helsinki |