HTPS was founded in 1925 to promote its members’ seamanship skills and the hobby of sailing. The purpose of the society is also to share information about the construction, use and maintenance of boats. Working together and having fun is important in the club’s activities. Activities are organized with the help of the club board and committees.
Welcome to the club’s 100th anniversary celebration on April 5, 2025 at 5:30 pm in the wonderful premises of Paasitorni (Paasivuorenkatu 5, Helsinki).
Open invitation (in finnish)
The club’s long and colorful history has also been compiled into a awesome anniversary book “Vapaisiin tuuliin, Helsingin Työväen Pursiseura 1925–2025” which can now be ordered from the club’s online store. The book is written by Pirkka Leino, known for her many sailing-themed books i co-operation with the club’s own editorial team.